The New Etiquette Rules For The Covid-19 Age

Courtesy British School of Etiquette

“Etiquette is always evolving. The rules are not set in stone. What does remain constant are the principles of kindness, respect and courtesy.”
– Philip Sykes, The British School of Etiquette

Courtesy of the British School of Etiquette
For more information visit:

If anyone out there is still laboring under the misconception that etiquette is out-dated and irrelevant, now is the time to revise your view. Just as we were getting used to staying at home and only leaving the house for daily exercise or to visit the supermarket, the lock down restrictions are being relaxed.

It is important to stress that this is not a return to a pre-coronavirus normality and we have to adjust our social behavior to make sure that we put safety first. The rate of infections is falling and the all-important reproduction (R ) number still hovers below 1, but the virus is by no means gone. Until there is a vaccine or effective treatment, we are going to have to physically distance from one another and take precautionary measures such as wearing a mask and frequently washing our hands.

The rules of social etiquette are being rewritten in the wake of COVID-19. The onus is on us as a society to find a way to communicate and connect with respect, courtesy and kindness while still adhering to the rules and guidelines.

I have been a follower and admirer of the British School of Etiquette for quite some time now. After, visiting London, England last summer, I am forever convinced that the “British definitely have it when it comes to etiquette and appropriate social behavior. I want to encourage you to visit their website: and check out the accredited courses that they offer that I know can improve your level of emotional intelligence and social competence.

As you know, that emotional intelligence is a skill that distinguishes between the humane and the barbaric.

The more you know, the more you grow!

6 Tips For Working From Home

This week workers in many countries across the world were advised to work from home, if at all possible, in a bid to stop the spread of COVID-19.

While some of you will already be used to working remotely, for others this will be a complete change to their regular routine. We have put together some tips to help make the transition smoother while minimising distractions and protecting your mental health.

A good morning routine is essential to set you up for a successful day. Try to wake up the same time every day. If possible, carve out some time for yourself to read, meditate or exercise rather than delving straight into your emails. Without the usual office routine of coffee breaks and lunchtime visits to the café to punctuate your day, it is easy to think that you just have to plough through for 7-8 hours straight. Create a plan to structure your working day, make sure that you take regular breaks and set a cut-off time in the evening.

Tempting as it may be to stay in your pyjamas, for most of us this is a fast route to an unproductive day. Taking a shower and getting dressed will put you in the right mindset to get work done. It will also ensure that you are prepared if your boss schedules a last minute video call. There is no need to don a business suit or heels, but wear something that you would be happy for your colleagues to see you in. Packing a bag for essentials such as your water bottle and a snack will also limit the time you leave your workspace to wander into the kitchen or other areas of your home.

For more tips on working from home or life skills to boost your confidence visit:






The same need for meaningful touching we see with our children is equally important in a marriage. One wise husband realized the importance of this need during a difficult time his wife was experiencing, and it did more to minister to her than anything else he could have done.

When Marilyn was getting dressed one morning, she noticed something that didn’t seem quite right. She found a small lump on her breast that she had not been aware of before.

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