I can’t believe that I am finally here! It has taken me two years to break away and to become free. Two years ago today, I accepted my “Dream Job” with the hopes of taking my share of the American dream again. My husband and I agreed that this was a great opportunity.  Once we had arrived too our destination, we realized that we had made a wrong turn.

The exhaustion from the toxic job and ghost was sometimes more than I could bear. I had to deal with the sadness and financial hardship of leaving a job plus a bullying, lying, and dominating spirit that disguised itself as a good person.  What was even worse was that this ghost had launched a smear campaign that had afflicted so many of the people I loved and prevented me from having any relationship with them.  I was just tired and felt as if God had left me. I felt so discouraged because the people who were hurting me the most were Christians. Somehow, God shifted my focus from my situation and reminded me of all of the moments I have needed his grace. I prayed for my enemies and begged God to deliver me.

That next morning, I emailed my resignation by 7:00 a.m., I walked into the office with nothing more than good morning to the group of colleagues who had been treating me poorly from the moment I arrived, packed my small box of stuff, and like the flash I was gone. That day, I left a toxic job and turned over the ghost to God.  My life was never the same again. That is when Harriet and Her North was born.  I stopped by the grocery store and picked up a pack of chicken wings, a small head of cabbage, a bag of yellow cornmeal, and three sweet potatoes. I prepared our celebration feast. What I thought was the end was the beginning. It was as if God was carrying me and has walked closely with me ever since.